Giving things a second life

METRO continues to strengthen its sustainability position by partnering with the Green Drop project, which allows us to give unwanted items a second life. This partnership is an important step towards creating a sustainable future where consumption and production are in line with the principles of sustainable development.

Giving things a second life

Purpose of the partnership

To create a convenient infrastructure for separate collection of clothes. For this purpose, the company organised eco-corner areas in store and offices, where containers for collecting unwanted textiles were installed. Currently, the containers are installed in 23 shopping centres in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg.

A wide range of items are accepted for recycling, including clothes, shoes, accessories, haberdashery, children's clothes, home textiles and bedding. Everyone can take part in this project by collecting items according to a certain list and leaving them in a container. Once a month, the project partner removes the items, followed by sorting: some of them are recycled and some are reused.

Project results

  • Conditions for environmentally friendly consumption were created: more than 20 collection bins were installed in stores in Moscow, Moscow Region and St. Petersburg.
  • By the middle of 2024, more than 38 thousand tonnes of unwanted textiles were collected and sent for recycling.

METRO waste management projects

Avoska Brings Hope

"Avoska Brings Hope" is a project aimed at caring for the world around us, as well as social support and employment for the visually impaired. At the moment, the project provides employment for about 60 people with disabilities, 50 of them with complete loss of vision.

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Own IT Solution

The METRO team has developed its own mobile application that automates the manual daily activities of employees, creates new tasks and prioritizes them according to the greatest impact on the business.

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Reduction of Paper Consumption and Recycling

Paper consumption is growing every year. It is mainly used by businesses to record daily activities. For the paper production many forests are destroyed, in which animals live. Therefore, it leads to the extinction of species, contributes to global warming, climate change and a chain of adverse effects for humanity.

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